Additional services we provide:

Closeup of a woman at a table paying bills and writing a check from a checkbook

Direct Deposit:

Direct deposit allows you to arrange for your recurring income, paycheck, social security, railroad retirement, pension, veterans benefits, etc., to be automatically deposited in your checking account so you can start writing checks immediately.

Payroll Deduction:

This offers the opportunity to designate a dollar amount from each paycheck to be automatically deposited into one of your credit union accounts or to make monthly loan payments.

Bill Pay:

Our Online Bill Pay works great with any open checking account.  Take the worry out of writing checks each month, set up reminders, reoccurring payments or single one time payments all at the control of your finger tips.

Other Services:

  • ATM Access (Foyer open 24 hours)
  • Cashier Checks
  • Money Orders
  • Savings Bonds (Redemption Only)
  • Wire Transfers
  • Safe Deposit Boxes
  • Drive-thru Window
  • Telephone Transfers
  • VISA Credit Cards
  • Night Deposit
  • Notary Public Services
  • Credit Life Insurance
  • Credit Disability Insurance
  • Financial Counseling

Credit Union for Kids

The Rock Island Credit Union is a proud sponsor of the “Credit Unions for Kids” for Children’s Miracle Network. If you are interested in making a donation, please contact the credit union at 405-262-1463.

credit unions for kids benefiting the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals logo

Credit Union Membership is easy!

El Reno RIL Credit Union is community-chartered, which means anyone who lives, works, worships, or attends school within the El Reno area or in one of the eight counties in our field of membership. Counties include: Canadian, Cleveland, Grady, Lincoln, Logan, McClain, Oklahoma, and Pottawatomie.